各位的ASP 棍子 直吗?
<br> 本人购得ASP 轻版甩棍一根。发现棍身不直。<br> 各位有ASP棍子的棍友,发现自己的棍子直吗???
<br> 求解!!! 没有ASP,楼下你有吗 木有。默默路过 <br>楼下的呢? <br>游侠不是在新手贴那里说过了吗?世界上没有很直的甩棍 <br>(以下为引用ASP官网的回答)
<br>Q The end tube of my baton appears crooked. <br/>A A certain amount of flexibility is built into the ASP Baton. Individual tubes, when subjected to extreme force, are designed to absorb the energy but not break. If the baton will not function (open or close), return it to the factory for replacement. To correct a warped tube, strike the baton on the opposite side. <div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>阿志</i>在2011-10-19 22:16:00的发言:</b><br/>
<br>Q The end tube of my baton appears crooked. <br/>A A certain amount of flexibility is built into the ASP Baton. Individual tubes, when subjected to extreme force, are designed to absorb the energy but not break. If the baton will not function (open or close), return it to the factory for replacement. To correct a warped tube, strike the baton on the opposite side.</div>
<br>老大,我虽然高中可我英语才小学水平!看不懂 <div class="quote"><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff"></font> </div>看看。。。 <div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>不吃鸡面</i>在2011-10-19 22:31:00的发言:</b><br/>
</div><br> 简单点说就是棍子不直是正常现象 不影响使用就行 当你拿棍子和鸡鸡比的时候,你会感觉还是棍子好 <br>我曾经 经手的ASp 21 很歪 据说歪的也算正常 总有点不直吧 又不是筷子 <br>现在的GAS其实是直度控制得最好的棍子了,这点ASP都是比不上的,当然如果你要很精确的测量的话也不会是绝对直的。ASP的直度其实比较一般。