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Stick to Sword to Knife -Part 1 从棍到长剑到短刀 (一)
By Phil Elmore 菲尔.埃尔默
In my Escrima and Kali training, part of theSyracuse Wing Chun Academy curriculum, my instructor(s) often focus on techniques that translate directly from weapon to weapon. I am speaking of the stick, the sword, and the knife. These implements have specific natures that vary, but the general principles with which they are applied are universal.
在我的Escrima 和 Kali的训练中(这是我在锡拉库扎(意大利西西里岛东部一港市)咏春学院的部分课程),我的老师总是注意那些可以从一种武器直接转用到另一种武器的技术。我是说棍,剑,和刀。 这些武器虽然各有不同的特性,但是它们应用的一般原理却是通用的。
 Certain techniques translate from stick to sword to knife with ease. 某些技巧很容易在棍-剑-刀之间转换使用。
The first five angles of attack and defense can be used in training and in fighting across these three categories of weapons. (Mike Janich's Martial Blade Craft program focuses on the "five cardinal blows" of Filipino Martial Arts, for example.) There are some simple defensive counters that should be incorporated with these five angles as well. In this article we'll look at these, as well as discuss a couple of "ready positions" you might use if you have the luxury of trying to deter an assailant with a show of your readiness to use force.
在训练和格斗中使用的最初的五个攻击和防守的角度可以在三种武器之间通用。(比如,迈克尔.贾尼克的“武术刀锋技艺程序”就注重于菲律宾武术的“五种最重要的击打”)。这五个角度和一些简单直接的防守反击技术配合良好。在这篇文章里,我们将着眼于此,并讨论和你可能使用的“准备姿势”(假如你有充分的准备用你那蓄势待发的外表阻止攻击者)的结合。 --此句理解不好
 The basic angle one strike is a diagonal chop or slice across the opponent's body, starting at the neck/shoulder area and traveling across the torso from your right to your left. It doesn't get much more instinctive than this. This strike includes all logical variations on this diagonal, upper-to-lower motion. 角度1的击打方式是斜向劈砍对手的身体。始于颈肩区,从你的右侧到你的左侧,斜向划过对手的躯干。本能得不能再本能啦。 此类击打方式还包扩这个沿斜角从高到低的动作的一切合理的变化。
 Angle two is the backhand return of angle one, traveling diagonally from your left to your right from the opposite side of the opponent's body. Again you start from the shoulder/neck area and travel down with your chopping or slicing motion. This strike includes all logical variations on this diagonal, upper-to-lower motion.
角度2是角度1的反方向动作,从你的左侧斜到你的右侧,划过对手异侧的身体。同样是从对手的颈肩区斜向下劈砍。 此类击打方式还包含这个沿斜角从高到低的动作的一切合理的变化。 ANGLE 03: HORIZONTAL RIGHT 角度3:右水平
 Regardless of the level at which this strike travels from your right to your left, it is essentially horizontal. (If it becomes too vertical it becomes an angle one variation.) The target is some portion of the opponent's side, rather than across his or her torso.
不管这个动作是在哪个高度从你的右侧挥到左侧,它在本质上都是水平的。(如果它太倾斜了,就变成角度1的变化形式啦) 它的目标是对手的侧面的某一区域。 ANGLE 04: HORIZONTAL LEFT 角度4:左水平
 Regardless of the level at which this strike travels from your left to your right, it is essentially horizontal. (If it becomes too vertical it becomes an angle one variation.) The target is the some portion of the opponent's side, rather than across his or her torso.
同上,不管是哪个高度,它的本质是水平的挥击。目标是对手侧面的某一区域。 ANGLE 05: STRAIGHT THRUST 角度5:直刺
 Regardless of the angle at which the tip of the stick hits the opponent's body, any thrust into the opponent is an angle five strike. Follow-up angle fives are withdrawn before each subsequent thrust.
LOADED (LIVE HAND GUARD) 蓄力势 (活手在前防守) Loaded 这个词好难翻译^^
 Any cocked-and-ready position of this type is a "loaded" position. Whenever the stick is withdrawn from before the body, the live hand comes forward to guard. This is very telegraphic – it would be surprising if this position did not turn into an angle one or angle three strike, for example – but can be used to announce your willingness to use force.
任何此类举起棍准备好出击的架势都是“LOADED”势。每当棍子从身体前面斜拉而回时,活手(此处即不持棍的左手)移向前方防守。This is very telegraphic(这里的telegraphic不知道怎么理解)-这种姿势下你不转向角度1(右下劈)和角度3(右平扫)的攻击就有些奇怪了,举个例子-这架势能够仅仅被用于来显示你用力的意愿。(这段理解不好) FORWARD GUARD 前防守
 This sensible guard places the weapon between you and the opponent. You can, if you wish to try, consciously angle the tip towards the opponent's eyes on the theory that this will make your weapon a little harder to track. Parries and blocks are easy to perform from this position, as are dipping thrusts.
LOW (ACROSS LOWER BODY) 低防势 (横过身体前下部)
 Those who favor backhand strikes may employ this low guard, in which the stick (so low it is out of the shot here) is held across the body to be brought up in an angle two or angle four attack.
 The high guard (sometimes called the "high wing") is a deflection. The supporting hand is used to check. The attack is generally to the head or neck. 高防势(有时也叫高翼势)是一个斜架的姿势,支撑手用来阻挡。用来防护对头和颈部的攻击。 ANGLE 01 BLOCK & CHECK 针对角度1的格挡
 Any angle one or angle three attack can be met with an angle one block and check. The body drops for lower strikes.
这个姿势能够格挡任何角度1或3的攻击。如果要对付的攻击较低,把身体下沉一些即可。 (乌衣注:这个动作是向左拦挡) ANGLE 02 BLOCK & CHECK 针对角度2的格挡
 Any angle two or angle four strike can be met with an angle two block and check. The body drops for lower strikes. 这个姿势能够格挡角度2和角度4的攻击。如果要对付的攻击较低,把身体下沉一些即可。 (乌衣注:这个动作是向右拦挡) PARRY RIGHT 右挡
 When meeting an angle five attack, a simple scoop or deflection to the side will neutralize it. Moving the stick from upright to pointing downward, and hitting the incoming thrust, can be accomplished through the whip of the wrist called a witik in FMA. 当遇到角度5的攻击时,简单的一格或偏转到一边化解掉它。通过手腕的甩动调转棍头向下,撞击对手刺进来的棍子。这种技术在菲律宾武术中称作“witik”。 (乌衣注:棍头向下,向右拍击,把对手直刺的棍子向右边拍开。) PARRY LEFT 左挡
 This is the same motion, but to the opposite side of the body. 同样的动作,只是对身体的另外一边。(乌衣注:棍头向下,向左推挡,把对方直刺而来的棍子向左边推挡开) PARRY RIGHT VARIATION 左挡的变势
 Whip your wrist to the opposite side and you're still accomplishing the same thing – parrying the incoming strike. 如图,外旋甩动手腕 ,可以做到同样的事-挡开刺入的棍子。 (乌衣注:这个动作是棍头向上,外旋手腕,把对手直刺而来的棍子挡在右边。)
Master these techniques and you have the foundation for rudimentary but effective stickfighting. It won't have a lot of fancy flourishes, but it will work. More importantly, it is translatable to the sword and to the knife.
译自www.themartialist.com |