Whether you're a martial artist, law enforcement officer or highly competitive athlete, BEYOND SPEED guarantees you faster reflexes in just weeks. Developed by HEALTH FOR LIFE - the athlete's #1 source for scientifically-based training programs, BEYOND SPEED uses new techniques in motor learning to actually shorten the time your brain requires to process stimuli. You'll learn to explode in that critical instant between your opponent's decision to act and the start of his motion, catching him completely unaware. Over 20 multi-level drills will help you instantly perceive and respond to stimuli, whether aural, visual or facile, help you pick out the critical stimulus among several, turn decision in to action, and master the art of diffused vision...and much more.
There are a hell of a lot of good fighters out there nowadays. MMA is the new pasttime and more and more cats are training in the fighting arts. There is no gimmick to give one an edge, but keeping ahead of others in this highly competitive world, with pro fighters, street brawlers, and traditional MA guys all stepping up their game, is a must!
One area that is of super value is that of speed. This course is a very respectable one on delivering speed improvement training that is very effective. It does not only teach u to move fast but it teaches to process threats and respond to them faster. Your reaction time gets cut down and that is a good development to have! Old masters say Kung Fu is an art of millimeters and fighting is a matter of split seconds. Very sound advice!
Using principles of motor learning and a variety of drills to improve your fighting speed is what this is all about. This VHS rip shows great ways to up your striking speed and well as decrease your reaction time and make you better integrated over all to fast fighting.
This is by Health for Life (HFL). Man, they had some of the best fitness products ever. Too bad they are gone now. This tape is complete, but there was another one with more drills that I do not have. I paid $100 for this one and would do so for the other one, if I could find it. The VHS programs they put out are rare as hen's teeth these days.
Do the drills and you will get faster. You need two to three ppl to to these drills BTW. Only one on the whole tape is a solo exercise. But that just makes sense once u see the program.
This stuff works! The VHS is, well, VHS quality. I ripped it at a pal's house and in a few parts the audio dips but its 100% watchable. There are on screen graphics (lists) to highlight the different points of each drill- that helps.
For any speed program you need to add in Plyometrics to your workouts. HFL just so happens to have one (a good one too!) but any solid Plyometrics routine will do. There are many out there now a days.
The HFL one is called “Explosive Power: Plyometrics for Bodybuilders, Martial Artists & Other Athletes” and you can buy it here:
This will help you get faster. Speed kills (the guy you use ur attacks against) and in this case that is what you want!
Enjoy it! All can DL this one now.