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154CM: An American made premium grade stainless steel originally developed for tough industrial applications. Known for its best all-around qualities, it offers great corrosion resistance with good toughness and edge quality. 翻译一下~154cm:美国制造的较高级的钢材~通过一系列的工业制造~被称为在所有性能都有良好表现的钢材~防腐蚀能力极好~硬度和刀锋保持度都不错~
S30V: An American made and developed premium grade stainless steel created especially for knives. It is a powder made steel with a uniform carbide distribution and clean steel properties. As a blade material it offers excellent corrosion resistance and superb edge qualities.
D2: An air-hardened tool steel, which offers good corrosion resistance and excellent mileage in wear resistance. A good choice for hard use applications. D2~~~产地不明~没有说~大概是美国把~因为D2的刀都是美国制作的~非常坚硬的工具钢~一般用在工具上~拥有不错的抗腐蚀能力~拥有超级的防磨损能力~(就是很硬)是狂操刀的朋友的最佳选择~
440C: A high-chromium stainless steel with a terrific balance of good hardness and corrosion resistance. 440C takes a nice edge and is fairly easy to resharpen. An excellent value priced steel for its performance. 440C~~大家应该挺熟悉了~美国制作~高铬不锈钢~在硬度和防腐蚀能力上有很好的平衡能力~不错的刀锋保持能力~比较容易打磨~价钱很不错~
N690: An Austrian made stainless steel, which is comparable to 440C in performance and value. Keen edge qualities with great corrosion resistance. N690~奥地利制造~不锈钢~和440C的功能差不多~不错的刀锋保持能力~很好的防腐蚀能力~
9Cr13CoMoV: A Chinese made high-carbon stainless steel with increased levels of cobalt added for greater edge retention. Offers a higher level of corrosion resistance at a great value. 中国的骄傲~9Cr13CoMoV~中国制造!!高炭不锈钢~加入了适量的钴~可以让钢材有更好的刀锋保持能力~拥有高级的防腐蚀能力~还有~非常非常非常便宜~
AUS-8: A Japanese made medium-carbon, high chromium stainless steel, which offers a good balance of toughness, edge sharpness and corrosion resistance.
AUS 8~小日本的钢材~中炭钢~高铬不锈钢~在硬度~刀锋保持~防腐蚀能力上有很好的平衡能力~
8Cr14MoV: A Chinese steel with similar performance characteristics to AUS-8. An excellent value priced steel for its performance. 又是我们中国制造~和小日本的 AUS 8 基本一样~但是比AUS 8 便宜很多很多~~蝴蝶官网上说是物超所值的钢材~所以一般蝴蝶的红色系列是用这钢做的~价钱也比较便宜~大家支持蝴蝶红色系列啊~~
X15 T.N: This French steel was developed for the aircraft industry for jet ball bearings, as well as the medical industry for scalpels. It has the ability to resist rust in the worst of conditions while maintaining ample edge retention. The capability behind this steel is in the way it is manufactured, resulting in the finest steel for use in harsh environments such as salt water. The edge on an X15 T.N blade is easier to maintain. X15 T.N:法国制造~飞机用的轴承钢~医院的解剖刀也是用此钢~在最恶劣的情况下可以保持极好的防腐蚀能力而且还保持锋利的刀锋~这钢材的能力主要不是在于材料~而是在于工厂炼钢时的方法~是在恶劣环境下使用表现最好的钢材~比如说泡盐水~割肉啊什么的~刀锋要是用这钢材的话保持能力会很好~
DAMASCUS: A specially forged, layered steel made up of a variety of steels, It offers remarkable toughness and edge quality. For finishing, the surface layers or lines are exposed through an acid etch, which creates a very unique visual effect. Used in special applications due to its inherent high cost and artistic nature. 大麻~~大家都快熟悉到烂~产地不明~(大马士革村?)用特殊的工艺煅打制作~使用不同性质不同用度的钢层叠煅打而成~有很好的硬度和柔韧度~在刀锋完成时要通过一段酸洗的工艺使其上面的花纹明显化~有顶极的视觉观赏价值~也是收藏的好东西~不是什么可以拿来用的刀~确实可以传世的收藏品~刀锋保持也很好~防腐蚀嘛~~看你怎么保养啦~
所有编号的意思~首先~蝴蝶共有~金~黑~蓝~红~四大系列~价钱从金到红~看盒子就知道是什么系列了~(盒子金色就是金~蓝色就是蓝系列) (NO CODE): Plain edge/no blade coating 什么也没有的~普通刀锋~没有涂层~
S: ComboEdge? (partially serrated)/no blade coating 有部分锯齿~没有涂层
BK: Plain edge/BK1® black corrosion resistant coated blade 普通刀锋~有防腐蚀涂层~
SBK: ComboEdge (partially serrated)/ BK1® black corrosion resistant coated blade 有部分锯齿~有涂层
B: Black anti-reflective, corrosion resistant coated blade (Red Class) 黑色涂层~(红色系列的)
SB: ComboEdge (partially serrated)/ black anti-reflective coated blade (Red Class) 有部分锯齿~有黑色涂层~(红系列)
OD: Olive Drab color handle 橄榄绿和土黄色的刀柄~
SL: Skyline Camouflage? patterned handle 迷彩伪装刀柄~
SN: Sand Camouflage color handle 沙漠伪装刀柄~
CF: Carbon Fiber Handle 炭纤维刀柄
-RED: Red color handle 红色的刀柄
SLV: Silver color handle 银色刀柄
-BLU: Blue color handle 蓝色刀柄
-YEL: Yellow color handle 黄色刀柄
-BLK: Black color handle 黑色刀柄
P: Mother-of-Pearl 珍珠刀柄
A: Abolone 鲍鱼~(贝壳吧)刀柄
BT: BT2® black corrosion resistant coated blade 黑色涂层刀刃
BP: BP1 Charcol color, scratch resistant coating 黑炭色(亚光吧)防划损涂层
-TK: Tether Kydex® friction-fit sheath TK防滑刀鞘
W: Soft sheath for rescue hook 钩子刀的软鞘~
ADC: Army Digital Camouflage color sheath 军用数码型迷彩刀鞘
T: Trainer blade with red handle 训练用无刃红色手柄的刀
TR: Bali-song trainer with red handle 不知什么意思的红柄训练无刃刀
D2: D2 Blade Steel D2钢材制造的刀片
H2O: X15 T.N steel, 100% corrosion resistant X15 T。N制造的防腐蚀刀片
DM: Damascus Blade 大马士革的刀片
CP: Clam pack 这个真的不知道了~可能是贝壳做的包装吧~