本帖最后由 风流狼子 于 2015-1-12 21:20 编辑
不是经典不分享!大家都知道,世界上公认短棍技术最为全面、系统、实用的莫过于菲律宾短棍(包括Eskrima、Kali、Arnis三大体系,据说德国的EKA甩棍的命名就是由这三大体系的首字母而来的,不知道是不是真的这样!)。这部教程是我近十年收集教程以来,见过的关于短棍的最为权威、系统的教程,涉及到关于菲律宾武术的方方面面,可以说是一部彻底泄密菲律宾短棍技法,毫无保留的一个系列教程。整个系列共有12部教程,将近20个小时的视频相信任何一部教程都无法超越了吧,关于菲律宾器械的教程,相信这是前无古人,后不知道到有没有来者的一套教程了吧,新年新气象,奉献给大家,并且无密码! (望此可以加精,以便造福广大棍友)
Filipino Martial Arts Academy
Welcome to Grandmaster Christopher Petrilli's Filipino Martial Arts Academy!
Eskrima is a Filipino martial art that revolves around training with weaponry (both impact and bladed) to create a total awareness of both armed and unarmed combat at every possible range. Commonly called "Filipino stick-fighting" and known by other names (Arnis de mano, Escrima, Kali), Eskrima is a complete martial art, encompassing kicks, punches, knees, elbows, trapping, joint locks, throws, and submission holds, done with or without a stick. Every technique that we teach is geared towards total pragmatism in real combat, yet our system also adapts well to tournament competition.
Our training is based on the teachings of Doce Pares Eskrima Supreme Grandmaster Ciriaco "Cacoy" Cañete. We hope this site will provide plenty of historical and technical information for you, and we look forward to meeting you in any of our classes or seminars.
The arts taught in the Filipino Martial Arts Academy are heavily based on the teachings of Supreme Grandmaster Cacoy Cañete. SGM Cañete is the oldest surviving member of the original Doce Pares Eskrima club of Cebu. The original art he inherited from his family consisted of single stick, double stick, stick and dagger (espada y daga), knife, and sword techniques. The weapons training translated perfectly into empty hand combat, as well, giving him a well-rounded combative skill set.
After spending time studying and mastering other martial arts – such as western boxing, wrestling, Jiu-jitsu, Judo, Shorin-ryu Karate, and Aikido – he created a new synthesis called "Eskrido" in the 1950's. Thus, the line between Eskrima and Eskrido is blurry, as Eskrima is an intergral part of Eskrido.
However, there are certain distinguishing traits to SGM Cañete's Eskrido. Because of his strong background in grappling arts, there is no shortage of locking, throwing, breaking, and pinning maneuvers in Eskrido. SGM Cañete has often said that one should be able to execute his grappling techniques comfortably with a stick in hand. With that concept in mind, Eskrido is unique in its ability to stick-fight with plenty of locks and throws and without relying too heavily on percussive techniques.
Pangamot is the art of fighting empty-handed against an armed opponent. While it is fairly common to see different martial arts systems teach a couple of techniques to deal with an armed opponent, Pangamot is a complete system that revolves around fighting successfully against a blade or stick wielding attacker. Training is centered on 3-D's: defending, disarming, and disabling your assailant.
Silat is a blanket term that refers to several styles of martial arts from Indonesia, Malaysia, and parts of the Philippines. Heavily steeped in Moro tradition and suited to combat on rough or slippery terrain, Silat also uses a wide variety of bladed and impact weapons, in addition to highly damaging empty-hand strikes, sweeps, breaks, and throws.
Grandmaster Christopher Petrilli has been called "one of the best kept secrets of American martial arts". A quiet, unassuming man, Petrilli has spent years refining his skills in Filipino martial arts with some of the best instructors in the world, learning Kali-Silat from Guro Dan Inosanto in Los Angeles and Eskrima, Eskrido, Pangamot, and Kamot from Supreme Grandmaster Cacoy Cañete in the Philippines. He has also delved into Kali under Greg Lontayao, Kali-Silat under Burt Richardson, Pencak-Silat under Pendekar Paul Dethouars and Gim Ingram, and traditional Japanese Aikido under Aric Hensel. He has also trained with Joseph Simonet in the art of Slam Set - Wing Chung & Silat.
A former U.S. Army Ranger, Petrilli is no stranger to hard, devoted training. Upon hearing the recommendations of several Filipino martial arts authorities, he packed his bags and moved to the Philippines to live and train directly with Doce Pares Eskrima Supreme Grandmaster Cacoy Cañete in Cebu. Petrilli is now one of the highest ranked students of Cañete's, holding the esteemed rank of 10th degree black belt grandmaster in Doce Pares.
Grandmaster Petrilli was once a regular fixture at the annual Wind and Rock Training Camp hosted by Sifu Joseph Simonet and Addy Hernandez in Lake Chelan, Washington. He has several Eskrima and Pangamot training DVDs available from Paladin Press, including the popular Crashing the Lines & Cutting the Lines series. He also travels regularly to teach seminars. It is his goal to preserve and pass on the arts of Eskrima, Eskrido, Pangamot, and Silat to those who are willing to learn with a true heart.
If you have your own Martial Art school in the U.S. or any other country worldwide and would like to host Grandmaster Petrilli for a seminar, please contact us through our web email address or by telephone. We will be happy to send you all the required information and available dates.